Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Impersonating characters from stories we read

 This week, Room 7 are reading a story called Badge of Honour. One of the activities was to impersonate the school principal in the story and to address a student character in the story who has not been wise in his decisions. The story is a great read. It is based in New Zealand and the Room 7 students can relate to this story in many ways. 

Here are the slides Room 7 have been working through. You can also access the text from the slides.

Here is Soane's impersonation of Miss Latu the school principal from the story Badge of Honour. Great work Soane. 


  1. Good work Room 7 and Soane! Great impersonation of Mrs Latu Soane! Keep up the great work guys.

  2. Wow Soane you have got great confident you should make more video's they are so good. Keep up the great work Soane and Room 7 and stay safe

  3. WOW Soane, I love your impression of Miss Latu. Keep up the amazing work and I'm looking forward to meeting Miss Latu.


  4. Wow Soane
    you did a great job and such great confidants, how long did it take you to come p with these words?. Great job and keep up the good work.


  5. Wow soane
    you did great confidants that was great and l love your impression of Miss Latu? Make sure to stay safe and keep it up

  6. Wow. Great work Soane that was a very cool and funny video. keep it up man


  7. Well done Soane. You can become a very good actor if you decide choose a career in theatre performance. I could not make out if it was really up to the end when you introduced yourself. Keep up with your good work.


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