Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Royals up in here

This year the media have been reporting about teachers and their campaign for better work conditions and better pay. We have seen many news reports about their on going campaign. We have also experienced one strike. Our movie is about showing our support not only for our school teachers, but all the teachers in Aotearoa who work hard to help us achieve our goals. Thank you teachers for all you do. Kua tae te wa!


  1. Hi room 7 my name is Angels and I am from Pt England school. Your film is my favourite so far because the film talks or raps about why teacher great. My favourite part of this film was right at the end when one of your teachers said " no you don't have to wave " My question for you is who is your favourite teacher or why you think teacher's deserve more ?

    1. Thank you Angels. It was a lot of fun putting this movie together. Thank you for visiting our blog.

  2. This movie is so cool that you should send it to all over the world.

  3. I go to Ruapotaka School.

  4. Hey, Room 7 Ilove your guys movie and you are right from all the teachers hard work they have done to support you on achieving your goals. My opinon on this is that teachers do deserve more but you know yu have to work to get the job done and get paid right. Sincerely - Monika

  5. Hi My name is Napa what I like about your movie is when you guy were dancing.

  6. hi my name is Germaine im from point England school. this movie is crack up i enjoyed it

  7. Hi room 7
    My name is Lucy and i'm from pt England school I love your rap. keep on going.
    Lucy Malofou

  8. Hi Room 7 My Name is LyiSorn I go to ptengland school.
    I really love your movie because it is about teachers and they we love them
    Can't wait to see more of room 7 in GlenBrae

  9. Hello Rm 7
    My name is Jasmyne and I'm from Ptengland school. I really like your guys movie I really enjoyed it. My favourite part was when it showed the bloopers bit.

    Keep it up

  10. Kia ora Rm7
    My name is Tata from P.E.S, Your Movie is Amazing, I liked how yous did your own version of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Bye Keep it up!!
    From: Tata

  11. Ki ora our name's are Iliana and Upu We're, from Saint Patrick's school and are a year 1 and 7 we found your movie intresting and good our favourite part of the movie was the students playing fairly and being cool super hero good job.

  12. Hi Room 7,
    My name is Helena and I go St Pius X School, I really like the movie you guys have made about teacher's. I like that way how you guys show some support and some kindness to your teacher's.
    Keep it up


  13. Hi Rm 7,
    I really like how you invite your teachers to help you with your stuff, especially the dancing. It is good that you say that teachers are cool and kind.

    Great Movie

  14. Hi Room 7 of Glenbrae School,
    My name is Mikaela and I am a Year 8 student attending St Pius X Catholic School. I really like the rap that I think Pele sang for the movie. It was a great rap and I think that it was filled with many true facts. Next time you rap or sing you could try to sing/rap clearly so that it can sound extra great.

  15. Hi room 7 my name is sione i am also go to glenbrae
    school I really like when they support the teacher

  16. Hey! My name is Morgan I go to Glen Taylor School,Good Film.Good Job!

  17. all of you guys was good

  18. Hi Room 7, My name is Toma and I go to Tamaki Primary School. I like the way you guys made a rap about the teachers strike and other things. Keep it up :)

  19. Hi Room 7,
    My name is Michael and I go St Pius X School, I really like the movie you guys have made about teacher's.It is good to say that teachers are kind.
    Keep it up!!!

  20. great rap matthew and rm 7 I really loved your video

  21. Hi Room 7 My name is Alo and I go Tamaki Primary this is on great film on the teacher strike and I even like your rap that you's did to the fresh prince of bel air beat so keep up the amazing work room 7.

  22. Hi Room 7, My Name is Aumau and I am a year 8 student from Tamaki Primary School. I really enjoy the way how you have made a rap about teachers strike. I really agree on how teachers have worked really hard. Keep it up :)

  23. Hi Room 7,
    I like that you are help teacher with there problem. My favourite part was when the teachers were dancing with the class.

  24. hi room 7 my name is Stanley, I am from tamaki primary I really like this movie and I like the part when the students hold the cool and kind sign thank you and have a great day.

  25. kia ora my name is tui from glenbrae school i like your movie because the teacher walk down hall way.

  26. Malo e lelei room 7, my name is Michelle and I go to Glen Innes School, you've put a lot of effort into this movie keep it up. What movie are you going to do next year?

  27. Talofa room 7,your song caught my attention.
    It gave an example to be helpful to our teaches.
    How did you guys come up with this idea?

  28. Malo e lelei Glenbrae students from room 7,
    this manaiakalani film is awesome it is filled with laughter because of the blooper I like the bloopers they are really funny. I know the song it's from Fresh Prince Of Bel Air intro song. Do you guys think of sharing it all over the world?

  29. Hi Room7 my name is Sarah and I go to Glen Innes School

    I love your film, it taught me a lot on why we should appreciate our teachers and to support them on what they are going through. We also made a film about teachers strike and I hope you can have time to check it out and leave a comment. Why are teachers important?

  30. Malo e lelei Room 7 im Mya from Glen Innes School

    I am amazed at how you got all those shots from TC and from all the teachers. I hope that teachers get a lot of support because of your film. We are also talking about the teachers strike. What do you like about teachers? and why should they be royals?

  31. Malo e lelei room 7, I learnt so much from you guys, you guys showed me that teachers are great, awesome and cool, we did a wonderful film about teachers strike too and learning it. Did you know you film is great?

  32. kia ora room 7. i really liked the movie it was very cool and also funny. i liked the beat.

  33. Bula Vinaka room 7,

    I really like how you made it exciting by making a rap from the "Fresh prince of bel air." I really enjoyed the different dances the teachers did alongside their children. Do you agree with the strike??

    Thank you - 😊

  34. Kia ora,
    I enjoyed watching your clip, it was funny i also like the how he sang to fresh prince it was cool.And how did you get put the song in the background.

  35. Kia Ora
    I really liked you guys talked about teachers strike and supporting them.The remake of fresh prince is funny.How does teachers strike mean to you?

  36. Talofa lava room 7,
    I really like how you used the rap from the movie Fresh prince of bel air. I liked how you film your movie about striking. Keep it up!

  37. My name is Leonie from room 6 St.Patrick's school good job I said good job because I like the part when you sing and dance.

  38. Well done everyone , super work. I think you should share your video with the Prime minster.

    1. Hi Donna that is a very good idea. We have had correspondence with her office earlier this year. We will send the link of our blog to her secretary. Thanks for stopping by.

  39. Well done Room 7 and Mrs. Tofa for such a well thought out theme for your movie. It was good to see our teachers in the cast as well. Let's hope that message in the movie is conveyed to the government to enlightened them on the plight of the teachers.

  40. Hello Glenbrae School. I really enjoyed how you were very creative by using rap to get your message across. Thanks for appreciating all that your teachers do for you all.

  41. hello I love your blog because it is cool and awesome like your work in to it every one loves your hard work you pot in to it it's really great it's lovely,great and amazing I love your great work I hoped you liked it and I think everything is great in this work you worked hard on I like it

  42. when i was watching it was so funny and when he said samething i was laughing

  43. Hello Room 7 from Glen brae School,My name is Callum from Waikowhai Primary School.I liked how you did a song all about your School.It reminded me of a party we did in our School,We danced to and we had so much fun.Maybe next time you could sing clearly and loud.If you want to see our class blog it is

  44. Hi Room 7,
    I thought your movie had a good meaning, I also liked how you made it interesting by turning it into a rap. Is there anything you thought you could have done better?

    Good Job,

  45. that was so amzaing

  46. Whats up room 7 I really learnt how teachers are important and we need them in our learning like we would not be able to make movies and bloopers with out them. By Nixon & Eve Hamilton east school.

  47. Malo e lelei Room 7 My name is Alrida,
    Your movie is superb and amazing! I did not even had to choose which one was my favourite part, because the video was full with amazing content.Keep it up!


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