Saturday, 1 August 2020

We have been looking at the origin of life and have been learning about The Big Bang. This is Pitara's work on the topic


  1. Kia Orana Room 7. Thank yo Pitara for sharing your learning. This is very interesting learning about the origin of life and the big bang theory. I like how you added text and some visuals in your presentation. Keep up the good work Pitara.

  2. Hi Room 7. Wow Pitara, I like how you presented this slide on your individual blog. Thank you Mrs. Tofa for sharing Pitara's presentation slide on our class blog. I hope that a lot of people view this interesting blog post.

    Keep up the marvelous work, Pitara, also keep blogging. Keep up the good work Mrs. Tofa and keep blogging.


  3. Hi Room 7 , Wow Pitara i like your work about the big bang theroy it really Nice,

    Keep up with the blogging

  4. HELLO Pitara! This is such a great DLO because you used SISOMO. Mrs Tofa must be so proud to see her student use SISOMO. Again this is a DLO. Kapai!

  5. Talofa Lava Pitara, I've see many big bang theory presentations but yours is what I admire of all. Nice Job :)

    By Soane

  6. Hey Pitara, This DLO is great. I learnt alot from it, keep up the good work and stay safe.:))

  7. Kia orana Pitara ... Thank you for sharing your learning about the big bang theory! Some great points I never knew ... Keep up the great work!

  8. Wow Pitara this is a really good DLO about what happen when the Big Bang had happened,
    so good job on explaining.


  9. Kia ora Pitara! What a great DLO you have created. Keep working hard with your learning.

    Miss Smith.

  10. Great job Pitara. Great explanation on the topic and giving a clear understanding on it. Well done, am proud of you!
    -Miss Tavioni

  11. Hi Pitara its Gideon
    I really like how you explained to us about the big bang some of the slides are really interesting and this really helps us know how the world started but I got a question if the big bang happened 13.7 billions years ago how long was earth here but keep up the great work and keep blogging and stay safe :)


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