Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Pick a Path maths quiz created by Soane, Sione and AJ

 Sione, AJ and Soane created this Pick a Path quiz using google slides for one of their Maths activities. Have a try at answering the quiz. Super impressed with the animations used in this Pick a Path quiz.


  1. Shalom Aj, Sione & Soane! Interesting questions you have there, they almost sound like the ones Mrs Tofa give us. Love the gifs too, they're very amusing.

    On a scale from 1-5, how would you rate this project and why.
    Great work!


  2. hi Soane , Sione and Aj i really love your work and i think you guys did a great job but as i am looking through page 21 i would like you to pls go through and pls look again.

  3. Well done guys, this is very interesting and also a lot of hard work had been put on. Well done👏👏👏


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