Thursday, 23 August 2018

A reply from the Prime Minister.

In Writing, Mary's group have been focussing on writing to and for a specific audience. One of the topics was to address the issue of having a liquor store so close to our school. The Ihimaera writing group all chose a specific audience to write their letters of concern to. Most wrote to the owner himself but Mary decided to write to our Prime Minister, Jacinda Adern. The letter was e-mailed to her office and an automatic reply came through that the letter has been received. Also around this time, Jacinda Adern had her baby so there was a delay in her reply. However, on Tuesday this week an e-mail came through with a written reply from the Prime Minister to Mary's letter. Here is a letter and we are so excited appreciative that the Prime Minister replied to Mary.


  1. Hi Mary,!

    Wow, I am so proud of you! I can't believe Jacinda Ardern has written back to your letter about the liquor store around fen church.

    Once again, Well done!

  2. Hi Mary,

    It great to see that the Prime Minster of Nz has replied back to your letter. You must be full of pride! Keep up with the great work! Well done



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