Monday, 27 June 2016

MasterChef: Glenbrae School

Over the last week the children in the Pilkey and Dahl writing groups have been studying procedural writing.  After following instructions last week and reading some procedural texts, the children were given the challenge of creating their own healthy recipe for a baked potato that could be shared with children in the cluster.
Our creation!

Chef Fusi

After a lesson researching and writing the recipes on Friday and at home during the weekend, the children spent their writing time creating them this morning.
Check out our teamwork!

The students had a wonderful time making these recipes, which all tasted absolutely delicious! The teachers were really impressed by the students ability to work together, to manage themselves and to clean up after they had finished.

Stuffing the 'potacos'

Fusi and Mata creating Chickpota Cups

Testing the product!


  1. Looks like a lot of hands on fun.

  2. Great work Room um 7 I wish that i can have some hahah but good work.

  3. Looks Delicious


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