Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Fenchurch makeover

Every Friday we go to Tamaki College for Technology. It is a great time to learn about technology and work on different projects. It is also a time to catch up and say hello to our past students who are now at college. 

After Technology we would walk back to school with either Mr Nath, Mrs Tofa and Miss Atuahiva. Our normal route would be to walk along Taniwha Street, turn left at Fenchurch street and carry on walking until we see our school gates which is on Leybourne Circle. We would then cross the road at the pedestrian crossing and make our way into our school.

Last Friday 17 June 2016, our normal route was changed because of the construction work on Fenchurch Street. Most of the houses which were on Fenchurch Street have been demolished and the street is now empty besides the fences the construction workers have put around the perimeter of the properties.

When Mrs Tofa arrived at school she told us we could not walk along Fenchurch Street and we would have to find another route which will take us to school. We decided to walk through the Tamaki College building, walk pact the Recreational Centre, walk along the field and cross the reserve unto Leybourne Circle. A few students complained that their shoes would get wet but Mrs Tofa and the students at the front started the parade and everyone followed.

Crossing through the Tamaki College building was interesting. We saw a lot of Tamaki students in their houses preparing a Haka for Matariki celebrations. A lot of students also said hello to us as well as some staff members like Taki's dad.

We believe the new route is shorter than our usual way back to school. However, we will have to consider if it is a route we would like continue taking while Fenchurch Street is being re-built. 

1 comment:

  1. It will be really interesting to see how this walk will change throughout the year! I liked the pictures in this post as well, the walk looks like a real adventure.


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