Monday, 27 June 2016

MasterChef: Glenbrae School

Over the last week the children in the Pilkey and Dahl writing groups have been studying procedural writing.  After following instructions last week and reading some procedural texts, the children were given the challenge of creating their own healthy recipe for a baked potato that could be shared with children in the cluster.
Our creation!

Chef Fusi

After a lesson researching and writing the recipes on Friday and at home during the weekend, the children spent their writing time creating them this morning.
Check out our teamwork!

The students had a wonderful time making these recipes, which all tasted absolutely delicious! The teachers were really impressed by the students ability to work together, to manage themselves and to clean up after they had finished.

Stuffing the 'potacos'

Fusi and Mata creating Chickpota Cups

Testing the product!

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Fenchurch makeover

Every Friday we go to Tamaki College for Technology. It is a great time to learn about technology and work on different projects. It is also a time to catch up and say hello to our past students who are now at college. 

After Technology we would walk back to school with either Mr Nath, Mrs Tofa and Miss Atuahiva. Our normal route would be to walk along Taniwha Street, turn left at Fenchurch street and carry on walking until we see our school gates which is on Leybourne Circle. We would then cross the road at the pedestrian crossing and make our way into our school.

Last Friday 17 June 2016, our normal route was changed because of the construction work on Fenchurch Street. Most of the houses which were on Fenchurch Street have been demolished and the street is now empty besides the fences the construction workers have put around the perimeter of the properties.

When Mrs Tofa arrived at school she told us we could not walk along Fenchurch Street and we would have to find another route which will take us to school. We decided to walk through the Tamaki College building, walk pact the Recreational Centre, walk along the field and cross the reserve unto Leybourne Circle. A few students complained that their shoes would get wet but Mrs Tofa and the students at the front started the parade and everyone followed.

Crossing through the Tamaki College building was interesting. We saw a lot of Tamaki students in their houses preparing a Haka for Matariki celebrations. A lot of students also said hello to us as well as some staff members like Taki's dad.

We believe the new route is shorter than our usual way back to school. However, we will have to consider if it is a route we would like continue taking while Fenchurch Street is being re-built. 

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Weathermen in Room 7

This Morning in maths the students were completing a problem about temperature and negative integers.  This was the problem they had to solve:

The children had to follow a series of clues to work out what the temperature was in different cities and suburbs around New Zealand.  They then created a Google MyMap to display this information, before creating a weather show to present their findings. Here are a couple of the videos that the students made, you will find more on their individual blogs.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Following Instructions

Today in writing we have been learning about procedural writing or writing to instruct. This type of writing includes things like recipes, instructions, rules of a game and some science experiments.

Miss Stone's writing groups read some different examples of procedural texts and then talked about the language features they contained. Then they had to follow some instructions to build different electrical circuits.

Each group got a different kit with different instructions to follow. Some groups found that there instructions were very clear, while others had some that were quite complicated.  All of the students found the pictures very helpful.

Now the students have some experience with  procedural writing, they will begin to write their own texts.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Auckland Live

Yesterday on the 13th June, Room 7 and Room 9 went on a trip to Auckland Live. This was held at the Auckland Town Hall and Aotea Centre.

After arriving at the Town Hall and being welcomed for the day,we engaged with our first session which was taken by Java Dance Company. They performed for 10 minutes before they took Room 7 and students from Clendon School for a dance workshop.

The children used dance moves and body percussion to dance to different rhythms.

After morning tea our students went to Aotea Centre for our second session which was with Te Rehia Theatre. We watched a snippet of one of their shows before getting into some theatre sports activities.

We then went on to have lunch and our students enjoyed playing bullrush with pupils from other schools. After lunch we returned to the Aotea Centre where we  participated in our final activity - looking at dance through visual art using Mata Mata 2.0 in Limelight.


We had a really wonderful day over all - the groups that we saw were awesome and we learnt a lot about the arts.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Room 7's Gallery

On Thursday 9th of May the students at Glenbrae School had inquiry presentations.
 Each class was set up to display the work that the children had completed in their inquiries over the last term and a half.

Dora and Mele running a quiz about Mona Lisa
Half our class stayed in Room 7 to present the work and set up activities for students in other classes, while the others toured around the school. Our presenters did a fabulous job in entertaining and teaching students from other classes. We have had a lot of wonderful feedback about our presentations.
Alfred and Sam at their Claymation Station

Linda Kiki Presenting her work on Chris Brown

Fusi and Angelica teaching a lesson on Perspective

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Room 7 poets

This week Room 7 have started to read poems and create their own. The students have been eager to start this topic and it has been wonderful listening to their initial ideas.

Today Miss Stone's writing groups have been analysing The Caged Bird by Maya Angelou. After studying the poets life the learners realised that the poem was a metaphor for racism and prejudice. They then went on to create their own poems based on a big theme or idea.

This was the start of the poem that our group wrote together:

Oh, what a wonderful world,
Travelling with a beautiful girl,
An outcast;
With wings of cream
Screaming nightmares and dreams

“What a world” she deems

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