Saturday, 11 September 2021

Looking at lockdown effects from another perspective

This week our class discussed this poster as our warm up discussion for our meet. We looked at the poster and discussed what it meant to us and whether we agreed with what it said and why. Fine has explained her opinion through this recording. Great thoughts there Fine.


  1. Hi Fine it's Gideon and I just want to say that you have presented an amazing and also an outstanding SISOMO about our speech we had to agree or disagree and I totally agree with you. Because we learn a lot from home than we do at school and we also learn new things at home while we get to spend more time with our family but anyways keep up the great work and also the great blogging and stay safe and have a great day. :)

  2. Hello Fine, Jaydin here from your class, I just wanted to say that you have presented an amazing SISOMO about our speech we had to agree or disagree with and I totally agree with you. Because we learn a lot from home and also learn new things at home. Keep up the great work and have a wonderful day. :)

  3. Hey Fine it's Victoria.F, I would like to say that you have done a great job doing your work. I also love how you have done a SISOMO on your work. I totally agree of what you are saying because I was reading through and I had thought of the same thing.

    Keep up the good work and stay safe.
    - Victoria

  4. Hello Fine, AJ here from your class. Wow good job on this SISIOMO. I really like that you stated why you agreed with the person that wrote that statement. What was your favorite part in this task. Keep up the great work Fine.


  5. Hey Fine It's Mahdieh here and I just wanted to say that this is an amazing presentation and How long did it take you to make that great video and It was very helpful how you explained everything. keep up the fantastic job and have a good day!

  6. Hi Fine, great job on your thoughts about this poster. I like the way you spoke clearly and gave us some valuable reasons about why the lockdown kids are ahead. Keep up the amazing work.

  7. Kia Orana Fine,
    Well done in your presentation about the effects of lockdown from another prospective. Keep up the great work you are doing.

    -Miss Tavioni


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