Tuesday, 12 May 2020

A reflection from a very proud debate team leader. Well done Viliami Ma for your wonderful leadership.

Last week, we had our class debate and Dwayne and I were team leaders for one of the teams. 

We first had to get our teams ready for the debate and it was really difficult for us but, we managed to get our teams to cope with it and we were all ready for the Class debate.

Our teams couldn't decide what team would go first so we held a Kahoot to decide who goes first and who goes last. The short of it, is that my brother won and luckily he was in my team so we got to go last. The debate went like this, Dwayne went first and then I went with a bit of a long speech and all of our team members said the little speeches they made. 

After Mrs Tofa our teacher had to decide which team won the debate but, she said "Learning Won" and I was shocked but it was alright. Here is my debate speech.

Viliami's speech :
Good afternoon my name is Viliami I am the leader of this debate team. The topic for today is, Lockdown should be extended for another four weeks and we are going against this statement, and my team members are Aisea, Richie, Gideon, Kuea and Jayden.

First, we have Aisea, he is going to be talking about kids not being able to see their relatives, Next we have Richie and his argument will be about how this lockdown is affecting kids learning. Then we have Gideon, whose argument will be about kids missing out on activities. Lastly but not least Jaydin will be our last speaker.

Our team beliefs are that kids cannot cope with Covid-19 and this Lockdown, and they are so used to working at school, we believe that kids find it hard to work from home, and not just the children but the adults as well.

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