Friday, 6 March 2020

Ali-Jon shares his narrative from the Nellie the Elephant prompt

There was a big and gray elephant named Nellie. Nellie was at the circus performing in front of the people when the monkey holding the fire sticks and balancing on a rope tripped and fell. They just didn’t fall, they fell with the fire sticks and dropped it on the tent.


The fire started burning the whole circus.

People were yelling “Ahhh’’. People were scared that they could die or get injured but Nellie ran out as fast as she could. Nellie and her friend Tiger ran with their bags and went off. Her friend got tired so Nellie said ‘’Jump on my back’’. Then her friend replied ‘’Aww thanks’’ then she went asleep.

When Nellie was walking, she was looking around to see if there was a home that she and her friend could stay in. When they went further, Nellie saw another circus that  was a two or three minute walk away.

She woke up her friend and said, ‘’Hey, wake up I see another circus”. She woke up then they walked for three minutes please?”. Then they said ‘’Yes’’ and then they lived happily ever after. 


  1. hi Ali jon its good theres' a happy ending I hate stories with bad endings


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