Wednesday, 18 March 2020

A fun day of cricket

Today, 27 students from Glenbrae School travelled to the Colin Maiden Park to participate in the Tamaki Cluster Cricket day. 

We had one year 7&8 girls team, one year 7&8 boys team and one year 5&6 boys team. All teams played really well today and everyone tried their best. Some students were not confident with their skills but as the day carried on they got better and better. 

Super proud of you all. 


  1. Hello my name is Viliami, well done to the year 5&6 boy team on giving things a try, and I hope they did well, and manage to get a few wins. The year 7&8 team did not win many games, but it is always good to hear good news.

    Kind regards,

  2. Hey Room 7,
    Cricket was pretty cool versing different schools, although we lost some games it was still fun!


  3. Hi My name is Kalolaine

    I will like to say thank you for everything for circket and it was a hard game but at least some of the people join and also had fun too


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