Thursday, 13 October 2016

Being Sunsmart at Glenbrae

Glenbrae school is a Sunsmart school. As part of being a Sunsmart school all students and teachers have to wear hats when they are outside in Term 1 and Term 4. Every class also has sun screen for students and teachers to apply before leaving the classroom.

Why is it important to be Sunsmart?

    Because skin cancers are the most common form of cancers in New Zealand.  The incidence of melanoma skin cancer is among the highest in the world. 
    Sunsmart students Mateaki, Taki and Hemi

    Sun exposure to the sun makes us vulnerable to skin cancer. The more we cover and stay in the shade the less chances we have of developing skin cancer.

    Hats and sunscreen before heading outside

    1 comment:

    1. I have been reading some articles about people who have had skin cancer. It is a very serious disease and has many effects. With such simple steps such as wearing a hat we are minimising the chance of us catching these skin diseases.


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