The beginning of
Three and a half
billion years ago life emerged in the oceans. Then 425 million years ago living
things started to move on land. Therefore, life first started in the sea.
The four elements
which made life possible are water, air, light and energy. Life began with
simple organisms and have evolved throughout time to the complex organisms
living today.
Vegetation covered
our planet earth and throughout the millions of years an amazing variety of
ecosystems and habitats developed.
creatures evolved to survive and thrive in different habitats. The creatures
have developed strategies to adapt on land, they also evolved as allies,
adversaries and enemies. Life has changed throughout the past billion years,
creatures went from a blob until it started to form and evolve into full
For the past 162
million years Eutherians evolved into primates. Primates learned to hunt, love
and fight. Primates lived for about 2 million years before evolving into
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