Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Learning about positive communication in Kiwican

This year we have a new Kiwican leader in our school. His name is Mr Alapati. We still have Miss Paige in our school and we are very happy to have them both as our Kiwican leaders. They are fun, interactive and very supportive. 

The focus in Kiwican this term is about Positive Communication. This links in very well with our inquiry focus at the moment on Positive relationships. Today in our lesson we discussed the value of positive communication. There were some fantastic ideas shared by our students. Here are some of the ideas shared today.

Positive communication is:
- speaking kind words
- have to and fro conversations
- listening to the person you are talking to
- showing respect for others 
- facing the person you are talking to

After our discussion we had a fun game of Chop sui master. Mr Alapati showed us martial arts movements which represented numbers from 1-5. It was a fun game and every student participated. Our Chop sui master for Room 7 is Bianca. She was very fast in the game remembered the movements quickly. Below are two recordings of our fun game today.

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Waterwise lessons

Every year we start off with learning about being waterwise. It is very important for all students to participate in these lessons because learning to swim is an important life skill. Here are a few photos we have taken from one of our lessons.

Friday, 8 February 2019

Talking together with Dr Jannie van Hees

Room 7 have have the privilege of learning from Jannie van Hees about having conversations. Thursday 7 of February was our first workshop with Jannie. We learnt about why talking is important and how we can have conversations with are 'to and fro'.

At the beginning, some of our class members were why to share their ideas but as the session progressed more and more students started to participate.

Jannie has taught our class about to and fro conversations. She has introduced us to the idea of chain linking ideas when talking with someone else. It is when you identify the main ideas from what someone is saying then you add your own idea which links to what the previous person said. We have also been practicing in class and we are getting more confident by the day.

We hope Jannie will be impressed with our progress when she visits our class on Thursday 14 February.

 Our practice conversations in class.

Monday, 4 February 2019

Welcome class of 2019

Room 7 now has a new class for 2019. The class consists of 27 students. They are Year 7 and 8. The first week of the term has been fun and exciting. We have set up the class norms as well as reminded ourselves about the values at our school.

It is going to be an exciting year!

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Our new blog...

Room 7 is still blogging …  but we’ve moved. Click here to visit our new blog and see the next stage of our learning journey. Comments are ...