We have been fortunate enough to receive financial literacy lesson from Rachel who works for Price Water Cooper. This week, our first lesson on Monday was about identifying our needs and our wants. This was a good eye opener for everyone in Room 10 because spending money is very easy and therefore it is also very easy to spend on things you do not need and do not have any use for.
Today the lesson was about being credit worthy. Credit ratings are very important because it will determine our trustworthiness to pay money back when we borrow. Four Room 10 students took part in skits where they lent something of theirs to a friend. It is good practice now to think about who you lend your things or money to.
Always question?????????????
Are they going to pay me back and on time?
Will they respect my property and give it back?
Did they pay me the last time I lent to them?
This will be questions we will be asked when we borrow from others too.
We enjoyed the lesson today and Miss Rachel is doing a great job being a teacher in Room 10.
Kia ora! We are the Year 7 and 8 students of Glenbrae School and our teacher is Miss Woodhall. This blog is where we learn, create and share our learning. Please leave a comment so we know you have visited!
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Monday, 16 November 2015
Stardome fun
Yesterday was dance fever and all senior’s were dancing. Our first dance was the hip hop and then we did this dance called the Samba and we had to pick girls and I was a shadow for Brandon it was a lot of fun.
Then we had left school because we had a trip to go on and we all went down to the hall and the teachers talked to us about behaviour on the trip, then we got let out first because we wanted to be seated at the back on the bus.
We left at 9.30 something and got there at morning tea it was so cool because they even had flying fox and all different kinds of activities. We quickly had our morning tea then we were dismissed to play. We went to the park because Room 9 were playing at the flying fox with some of our class members.
Then we got called in to get our bags and lined up seated so we had to waited until we get a call to go in.When we got in we were greeted by a man called Tim we were shown into the space room where we talked about planets and we asked Tim some questions. He knows a lot about planets and it was cool.
Next we went into the movie room where we all sat down and relax while the movie was on. Some of us were sleeping so when it was time to go out people were still sleeping and we got in trouble.
After that we all went out to board the bus. We travelled back to school quickly. I had fun at the Stardome and hope to go back someday soon.
Friday, 13 November 2015
Narrative writing by Jayden
Yesterday was so weird that Drake thought that it was a dream. Because first chocolate started falling out of the sky and a marching band came past him and then a float, but really there was parade going on that he did not know about and a chocolate factory had just been blown up by some terrorist. Sending chocolate flying in the sky and falling back down on everyone. Next when he went back home everyone was gone. The entire street wasn’t there even Old Man Stu who hardly ever leaves his house.
In fact everyone had gone to the parade without him because they thought that he had woken up and gone to the parade with his friends without them. He went back down the road to the parade again hoping to find his family there. But no one was there everyone had vanished. It was raining and he thought everybody had gone home but they were not. They decided it throw their own parade and keep the fun going and invited everyone in town. They threw it in a huge stadium. Where the rugby finals were once happened.
When he tried to ring his parents they didn’t pick up their phones because the sound was to load and they moved danced so much that they couldn’t feel there phones. They did not tell him about it because they thought that he was hanging out at his friend's house and would not want to be disturbed. But he was not with his friends in fact his friends were at the parade but never saw the parents so they did not ask where was Drake. His friends did not know who threw the parade and they thought that he was at home with his family. So each of them had no idea that he was alone. But it was getting late so he went back home and went to sleep.
When he woke up the next day he thought that it was all a dream. But then when he turned on the TV he saw on the news that a chocolate factory had exploded and that chocolate was falling from the sky onto people. The Next story on the news was that there was a huge parade that people from all over the world flew there to go to. Famous movie stars were there and brought loads of drinks and snacks for everyone there. Then it showed a picture of his family because they threw that party. Then a interview with his friends on how much they liked the party “ It was awesome to bad my friend Drake wasn’t here to enjoy it I don’t know where he was at” said his friends. Then he knew that it was not a dream. He felt angry that his parents never bothered to tell him about the party.
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
At Glenbrae school we believe in being respectful to self, others, property,
environment and learning. Our class movie shows how we put these values into
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Its 7km from Tim's house to where his Grandma lives. Its uphill on the way there so he can only cycle at 14kph but he can do 21kph on th...
Lockdowns can be a drag but not if you make it fun with your bubble members. Our movie this year is about what we have been doing to keep ac...
A shared class novel is a must in Room 7. Everyday after lunchtime we have our shared novel where Mrs Tofa reads to the whole class. It is a...