Friday, 25 March 2022

Week 8 is almost over! We have done some amazing work this week while the weather has been horrible.

Below is a sample of work from Tiara from one of our lessons 

WALA: what qualities a good leader has and how to be good leaders.   

After researching two New Zealand learders, we created venn diagram to display how they show leadership. 

Hope you all had a happy and safe week. 

Miss Woodhall 

Monday, 21 March 2022

 Last week during our inquiry time we were talking about our topic (Turangawaewae- Our place) 

We spoke about how we all have different food and drink that is special and unique to us, our whanau and our culture. Some of us shared our family favourite dishes like spaghetti bolognese. 

Below is the work of AJ and 'Uluaki. They worked together to make this amazing Google slide animated presentation! Take a look and leave them some feedback. 


 Miss Woodhall 

Sunday, 20 March 2022

CyberSmart- Monsters

 Wow! What a time we have been having in Room 7 so far! We have been lucky to have Mr Goodwin coming in on a Wednesday morning to do some CyberSmart activities and challenges with us. 

This week, we made our very own monsters using Google draw! We wrote character profiles to go alongside our monsters. Here is the monster that Arman made! 

Here is his blogpost Arman- Monsters

Have a wonderful start to week 8 everyone! 

Miss Woodhall 

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Over the past few weeks, we have been lucky to cool off in our lovely school pool! 

As a class, we have learnt many new skills such as survival backstroke and proper freestyle swimming technique. 

Everyone has enjoyed the opportunity to cool down and learn some new skills and safety information regarding our actions in and around the water.  

We have also been completing team challenges/games based on water skills such as underwater swimming and team building. This has been a great way to maximise our time in the water. 

We will miss our pool time over the cooler months, but we are excited to enjoy it again soon! 

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Our new blog...

Room 7 is still blogging …  but we’ve moved. Click here to visit our new blog and see the next stage of our learning journey. Comments are ...