Friday, 27 July 2018

Poetry writing by Salote. What do you think is the meaning of her poem?

The New Adventure

Time goes by
your voice like the deep blue sea
Focussed eyes on reading
Dusty shelves of collated paper
The teenager phase is tough and stressful
falling every time you open your eyes
Finish school
before the love story begins
Leaves and petals falling off it’s stem
Can’t control your anxiety and being so shy
an unknown feeling of unease opening
Weird things going through it’s own phase
BAM and BANG in your imagination
Suffering from headaches
Brain paralysed no more thinking
But somewhere in there
You know time is ticking

By Salote

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Telesia enjoyed composing this poem about her dad. As you read you will learn how deeply she admires her dad. Please leave a comment about this wonderful poem.


A light that beams with joy
Through bad or good cases
The lighthouse which guides
When there is only darkness
A light that I look up to
To seek guidance and wisdom
A light which dances across the night sky
That shines a path as a guide
A light that I follow after
For it is my sun that shines
A light that works all day and night
A light as bright as the sun
With passion and loyalty
The light of the sun which
We receive, gives much joy
and ecstasy

By Telesia

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