On Thursday 30 of March, Glenbrae School had the opportunity of to see Georgie again and also meet Keanu for the Junior Warriors. They were our guest speakers for our Duffy Assembly.
They both shared how important reading is to them. Playing in professional rugby league teams they have to read itineraries for trips, nutrition plans, their contract which also has their code of conduct and many other information about their sport.
It was a fun assembly and some of our students were lucky enough to win some spot prizes. Vainikolo from our class won a prize which is a water bottle.
Our class is focussing on reading for enjoyment. We currently have a reading challenge called Around the World Challenge. The winner of the challenge is in to win one of three prizes. Every single option for prizes is a wonderful treat for the winner. We are really looking forward to reading our way around the world as the Duffy song says.